My commitment to wahine especially our young has been something that has been engraved in my kaupapa since the conception of this entity.
Within our walls (and beyond) I strive to provide a nurturing space/surrounds for those who dedicate their time to working here and those who choose to walk through our doors.
Here I show through my ways (and my faults)the power of vulnerability, the strength of showing fragility, and the humble yet powerful nature of true care.
It is through action and education that we strengthen our wahine and recreate worlds to enable all to take steps to walk tall and prosper.
The women and men who have walked before us have made giant steps to enable the world we live in to operate in fairer ways but we still have long stretches to travel till equality is a reality and balance is our constant state.
It is through the art of holding, healing and hurdling change that enable prosperity progress to come forth.
It can be too easy to fall back to lip service and leaving others to do the mahi needed for continued change.
So today, a day dedicated to our wahine I hope we can all create moments to reflect, reignite and re-education ourselves on our effectiveness of growing others, of nurturing ourselves and of harnessing equality for all.