Meet our whānau

Timmy Smith - Founder and Creator of TIMMY SMITH

Whakatōhea, Te Upokorehe, Ngāti Porou
Why did you create TIMMY SMITH?
Big question but for now I will give a short answer (blog to come)
I wanted to create a space to allow people to connect to people, places and purposes they love and honour. 
 TIMMY SMITH is a way of honouring my past, and assisting those who enter to feel connected and comfortable.
What do I want my team to gain from their time at TIMMY SMITH?
I would love my team to gain an understanding of how important they are to TIMMY SMITH and to themselves/their whānau.
For them to fully use the TIMMY SMITH waka to enable them to journey to places they wish to go; to use it as a platform to develop skills, connect to wairua and provide awhi for each other and our kaupapa. 
"E tu kaihikatea, hei wakapae uroroa, awhi mai, awhi atu, tatou tatou e"
Kaihikatea stand together; their roots intertwine, strengthening each other. 
We all help one another and together we will be strong.
Favourite piece to create?
I love playing with kirikiri (sand) so for me any of my pieces that I get to play with any of these tiny artifacts.
Though my favourite pieces to create are commissioned lockets where people bring me their items to contain within the glass surrounds.
Being entrusted with people's stories and treasures is truly humbling and something I will always treasure.
Favourite tea?
Ohh this is a tough one but I think Calm-i-tea is the one I am most proud of as its properties calm the mind and the body. 
Though Spice-i-tea has me for its flavours at the moment.
An aspect of The Space that I'm drawn to the most?
 I see Thomas Biren in every aspect of our space - He was/is a beautiful soul from Belgium who along with Ross (hubby) gave his time, aroha and expertise to build both this space and the space I had before this one.
They grasped my designs and allowed my dream to be shaped into perfection.
Thomas's involvement reminds me to honour the simple things, a smile, a giving and whānau 
He also reminds me how fragile life is. Forever grateful to have had you as part of our whānau Thomas. Kia ora for always watching over us.
Favourite general wear?
I love sourcing pieces so my favourite is always a new find.


Ross Bryan Barker - Head Brewer & Interior Creator

The heart that holds TIMMY SMITH together

What has drawn me to be a part of the TIMMY SMITH whānau?

I have always been part of the whānau and have always supported Timmy in everything that she has done over the years.

What would you like to get from your time at TIMMY SMITH?

To help grow TIMMY SMITH in all areas.

What (if any) are your favorite teas?

Lemon Myrtle.

Pieces of jewellery?

All of it.

Elements of the space?

Love it all as Timmy designed the entire Space. Thomas & I built it so it has been a team effort.


James (Jamie) Douglas Reid - Artist and General Manager

Of Clan Robertson

What has drawn me to be a part of the TIMMY SMITH whānau?

It felt very natural to become part of the TIMMY SMITH whānau. I am on my year out and I am making a point of saying yes to opportunities as they come along. I have always loved Timmy's jewellery and have been intrigued as to how her creative process works. I admire how she is living her creative life and showing us what can be done.

What do I want to get from my time here?

I am not entirely sure what it is I want to gain from my time with this whānau. Just to be around a whānau who are so welcoming and supportive seems to be reward enough. I really want to further my own creative side, so hopefully some of Timmy's passion will rub off on me.

Favourite tea?

I am a chai drinker, so it is definitely the Spice-i-Tea. I love the cardamom flavour especially and like to make it strong and sweetened with condensed milk.


I have always loved the sand jewellery and the whole concept of carrying somewhere special to you around with you. In particular, I like the Horizon range. I also love the simplicity of the View of the World and the new Tuaoma earrings.

Elements of the space?

It is hard to go past the view out the back window. It really is quite incredible to walk into the space every day and take in this vast and majestic vista!