Our role as Kaitiaki
Today more than ever, we are becoming aware of how we have reached a point where our human footprint is affecting the earth at a geological scale.
Facing this can be overwhelming and have us in a state of hopelessness.
Instead of solely focusing on the negative impacts caused by climate change, it is crucial to take a solutions-based approach and be empowered by all the people taking steps towards a low carbon and sustainable future.
Carbon footprint measurement allows for effective and focused reduction efforts, therefore it is a great starting point for kaipakihi (business) and nga kāinga (households.)
For our kaipakihi, we use the ekos model to measure our previous year’s emissions;
We then take responsibility for our emissions by actively working on reducing them through our every aspect of our mahi. And what we can’t reduce we honour our role as kaitiaki through offsetting through reforestation and rainforest protection purchased through the carbon credits we pay to Ekos.
We hope that our example of kaitiakitanga (guardianship) will assist others to take up the kaupapa
of be mindful of what you do each and everyday
reduce what you can, offset what you can’t.
When we connect we care
When we care we value
When we value we honour
When we honour we protect.