Tea time with TImmy

A celebration of a friend's 80th year has triggered my thoughts to wander off my set path and consider the other intergenerational relationship and friendships I hold.

I pride myself on my ability to converse, connect, and care for people of all ages and stages. From their first breath to their last, I have been privileged to have hugged, and held conversation with people born within each decade of living memory for me and them.

The vibrance that comes from holding hands with people who have held growth and grips and governed themselves and others from the 1930s through to 2020 is a huge privilege and honour that I will never underestimate.

We all have experiences, viewpoints, and passions that when we share,  enhance each generation, walking, and yet to come.

When we are brave enough to venture outside our set groups of friends and situations, the rewards are immense.

Reaching out across barriers of time and perceived place, to difference, is what provides the riches of experiences and offerings

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930 and if you are so lucky to hold the hands and heart of anyone prior to this, know that the treasure you possess is one that no amount of wealth can provide.
Acknowledging that there is a depth to our history, our stories, and our time here on planet earth, that is unique to each decade, enables us to feast from different banquets and serve each other morsels of our own experiences and grace.

So today I hope you can Pause from your doing, and take a moment to catalog your connections, and see if you to have an eclectic array of decades within those who's hearts you hold and love. 

Warm hugs, 
Timmy xo
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