There is no such thing as a simple cup of tea
“Within in each of our teas lives little handfuls of aroha”
When brewed they create aromatic arms that engulf you with their steamy vapours
caressing your heart with warm hugs, and light-to-the-touch kisses.
Tea offers moments of warmth and connection no matter the company that is present.
Your tea is the end result of seasons of changes,
of warmed earth and nurturing rains,
it has fed on whenua that has withstood so much
and has been present since the beginning of time.
Your leaves were once alive, growing, reproducing, producing oxygen and a landscape
Each leaf, each flower was a holder and giver of energy.
An exchange of what is not needed for what is…
Carbon dioxide to oxygen
Poison to purity.
Each cup of tea should remind us of the miracle of these and all life-giving plants.
A cup of tea is a time of acknowledging the seasons that have just been
and the generations before who partook in cups of this life-giving beverage
from similar,
if not the same life-giving plantations.
A cup of tea should make us reflect on what we have presently,
as well as what has been held within our past.
It enables us the time to reflect and hold,
transfer and transcend,
create thoughts and calm our senses
It asks us how are we are giving,
how are we transforming our poisons to purities.
It is here to ask us what role will we play in sustaining and growing life.
So next time you sprinkle your leaves into your favourite teapot and add the life force of water,
let your mind wonder to the origins of your teas
and the journey it has taken to be present with you today.
And allow the little handfuls of aroha to work their magic on all who partake.
Timmy x